I set a goal this year to be done preparing for Christmas by tomorrow, December 1st. It's not going to happen BUT, I am pretty close. There are currently only 47 items left on my to-do list. The problem is, I keep adding to the list instead of crossing things off. Thankfully I have an almost-2-year-old as my helper. I will happily loan him out if anyone needs help getting further behind.
I really, really love the snow---but not the wet pile of snow clothes resembling a colorful Christmas tree in my entryway that comes with it. I am thankful this year that Garrett can outfit himself in snow clothes, and I am really not thankful that it is so challenging putting snow clothes on Sam.Especially gloves/mittens. There has got to be an easier way!

I really love Christmas time, but I am also really glad when it is over. I am NOT a Scrooge, but there are lots of expectations, lots to do, lots of making sure all the kids get somewhat even amounts of gifts without spoiling them, lots of debits from my checking account, lots of calories being consumed, lots and lots of details to remember, and lots of effort trying to not be materialistic, to keep things simple and focus on the true meaning of the season. Still, I get caught up in the excitement of it all and LOVE LOVE LOVE giving gifts to the people I love. I LOVE the music, the Christmas feeling, and I LOVE having children who are so excited about every aspect of it.
What's putting a smile on my face as of late:
shopping with my beautiful friends on Black Friday at 4am!
all 4 children playing chess together INSIDE our game closet
reading a new crock-pot recipe book I got at Costco
making Christmas projects
impromptu FHE's that turn out remarkably well
Christmas music every where I go
responsible children who are learning and growing and amazing me
people---I just love people and want to be BFFs with everyone I meet or already know
watching episodes of 24 with R. It's our new Lost.
What's causing my brow to furrow as of late:
making Christmas projects
not having enough time to get everything done
reading amazing blogs and wondering why I can't be amazing too
not fitting exercise into my schedule
my continually messy house
dinner that has to be made EVERY day (it's a little much, don't you think?)
children who are challenging in new and exciting (?) ways
Oh well---maybe I'll just go stand on my head in the corner!