We spent a fabulous day at Grotto Falls up Payson Canyon. (Thanks to BFF Vicki for the great suggestion! She is an awesome travel agent and always has good suggestions on fun places to go.) The weather was PERFECT and the hike was just right for our family---a short, completely shaded trail. The trail follows a creek for about half a mile that ends at the falls---a beautiful 25 foot waterfall that drops into a shallow pool surrounded by huge boulders. The boulders rise so high on each side that you feel as if you are inside a cave--a grotto--with your own private, magical pool. The water was FRIGID but that didn't stop the kids from getting in the pool and exploring the crevices and caves surrounding the falls. After the falls we stopped to picnic at Payson Canyon Park before we headed home. Thanks to Ben for making the lunch and trail food (Cub Scout achievement) and to everyone else for making it a great day.

Now I really want to go here. Good work Kings - one the hike and taking an excellent family picture...
Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing.
I'm still amazed that you, Kelly, in your present condition will go hiking, do yard work and ride your bike with kids in tow. When I was that far along, I barely wanted to get out of bed most days!! You really are Superwoman!! YOU GO GIRL!! But I'm glad you liked Grotto Falls. It really is beautiful, isn't it!
I agree, the Grotto is a gorgeous and easy hike. We used to go there a lot in YW. The trail has really been improved since then. Good times :)
Beautiful! Hey thanks for the tomatoes - we had one of them with dinner and it was delish! {This took much persuasion, adi was being quite possesive} Hope she wasn't to crazy about it!
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