Happy 4th Birthday Garrett! Our little G-Dawg turned 4 on October 19. We celebrated at home with orange rolls for breakfast and various festivities throughout the day (think fruit snacks and piggy back rides). That night we had Skor cake (Garrett loves chocolate) with Grandmas and Grandpa and opened presents (the big hits were the Teeter-Totter, various toy weapons, and a Lightning McQueen laptop). Garrett also had a small party with his best buddies earlier in the week. They had so much fun being pirates, slaughtering a pinata, and looking for hidden treasure (chocolate donuts). It was a fun birthday week. I hope G had as much fun as I did! We love you Garrett! You make us smile and laugh each day and we love your spirited personality and that movie-star smile.
During UEA we took a one-day road trip to the official MIDDLE OF NOWHERE otherwise known as Goblin Valley State Park. We had sooo much fun! For those of you who have been there you know what I'm talking about---acres and acres of surreal Goblin-like rock formations, endless blue sky, 75 degree weather, and plenty of room for our family to run, climb, hide, seek, and get dirty. The drive wasn't bad--about 3.5 hours, and the kids were great. The rock formations are so amazing--I wish I could post all my pictures but I'm sure you're glad that I can't. Fun fun fun!
On Monday of UEA we went to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point. I can't recommend this event enough--everyone should plan on attending next year. Free passes from the schools make this really inexpensive (Hey V, don't worry I found some more passes and got everyone in for free!) They had TONS of inflatable jumpy things, carnival games, pedal cars, a climbing wall, and the BIG HIT with the King children was the BUNGEE JUMPING. (Picture a harnessed version on a small frame--not like from a bridge or cliff or anything). Garrett was hilarious--he barely weighed enough (imagine) to keep himself going up so the carnival worker (is that the politically correct term?) kept pulling on his legs like a sling shot and letting him shoot higher and higher into the sky. Ben and Cass were laughing so hard seeing who could go higher. It was sooo much fun and almost worth the HOUR WAIT in line. Ah well, we made some good memories.