For all my devoted readers out there (ha ha) you'll be happy to know I have been doggedly working on THE LIST. I have made progress on G-Dawg's birthday, and halloween costumes are all but finished. Of course, I still have the other 732 items to get to, but it did feel good to cross these two things off! And I couldn't resist snapping this picture of MY three little snow pumpkins on their way to church this morning. Don't let the smiles fool you---I had been (spiritually) yelling at them all morning to get a move on it, so we could definitely feel the spirit at our house this morning. I won't say which spirit we felt, but we felt it all right. Maybe next week I'll be nice......

Such a cute pre-church picture. Cute King kids.
I am officially going to plagiarize your "Sunday witch" phrase. It was "Sunday witch", wasn't it? That is so me.
Thanks for all the new posts. They do make my day brighter and smilier. Look that word up in the dictionary...
LOve the pictures and your newest list is great! There's just something unexplainable about being pregnant. It has it's hard times but the good times seem to make all that magically disappear. (I can say that now that I am done having kids!) Honestly though, life is great and so are you!! Hope the party is a blast! AAARRRGG!!
I'm dying to see some Goblin Valley and Garrett's birthday pictures...
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