The Lion....
the Witch...
the Rubik's Cube...
and the Power Ranger.
The frightful festivities started Friday night, when we carved our seven pumpkins. It's a tradition at our house to carve one pumpkin that says KINGS on it. From far away you can't even tell that I accidentally sliced through the I and the K and we are using toothpicks to hold it together. I guess it's better than accidentally slicing through my fingers. Although I've done that, too.

Here is our little Power Ranger. Notice his fully awesome moves.(Think Rhino). I wonder if our friends in Montana remember when K and B were so into Power Rangers? Those pictures could serve as blackmail someday. Hmm, I might have to post one.....
Ben, 2004. It must be a 5 year old thing.
And who could resist this KING of the jungle? I thought it was the cutest costume until my neighbor thought I had dressed him up as a flower.( Thanks for ruining it, Larry.) Special thanks to Holly for letting us borrow the costume! And extra special thanks to Ilene for the Rubik's Cube. It was the best costume ever.
But alas, all things must come to an end. Even thumb-sucking flower-lions must go to bed...
Great pictures! Awesome costumes! You need to show me how to do that collage thingy sometime! Love it!
Those were some amazing pumpkins. I would never have guessed that you had toothpicks holding everything together.
And I am glad you posted a pic of Ben in his power ranger outfit. I was really glad to see those days come to an end - although Kaysen now practices hip hop dance moves all of the time, which are frighteningly similar to his old power ranger moves!
I knew I could count on you to give me a Halloween post today. Thank you - you didn't disappoint.
I was, however, disappointed that I saw no Kings on Halloween. That's right - zero. Not acceptable in my book.
Last thing - love the hair cut. I know you've had it for awhile, but the picture with you and the kids dressed up, you look fantastic. And I'm not just saying that to get some friend points...
What a great KINGdom. Thanks for sharing it with us, even though we are stillindowney. Dean told me he saw you at the store--what a treat.]
We miss you and you youall--especially that rubic cube-==too cute.
You guys have so much fun, I love the costumes. Thanks for sharing.
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