Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Going Back to Cali

(Raise your hand if you remember that song from way back when we listened to ugly music like that)

After a beautiful Spring Break in Moab, filled with awe-inspiring natural wonders and breathtaking scenery, Rich, Samuel and I headed to Southern California for a week of work (Rich) and play (Sam and Kelly). 

The scenery was mind boggling. Let me share just a few more great shots that I got. These pics really capture the essence of our trip:

Even after living there for 20 years, I had forgotten the bliss of California traffic.

When we weren't sitting in traffic, we visited a few parks......

 hung out with friends and family,

 chased Sam around the Santa Ana Zoo,

and best of all, dipped our toes in the Pacific. (and ate some sand)

Oh. I almost forgot. We also found the answers to all our problems:

The warm weather, the beaches, the psychic's almost enough to make me want to move back.
(Not really)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moab: Day 1

WARNING: 4 days in Moab = 379 pictures of the King children

We arrived in Moab on Wednesday afternoon, after taking a most circumvented route through the big towns of Scipio and Salina, to name but a few. This happens if you miss the turn off near Spanish Fork and don't realize it for another 20 miles. It's a good thing our children enjoy long car rides and side trips through exciting places.

Our first afternoon we spent walking around Moab, getting a feel for the city. The children were so happy to be out of the car that they eagerly posed for the obligatory "WE ARE ON VACATION AND MUST TAKE A MILLION PICTURES TO PROVE WE WERE HERE" pictures.  Here are a few more:

Evidently S and B were not as excited about posting for pics as C and G.( Every party has a non-poser that's why we invited them). Other exciting highlights of our first-day-ever-in-Moab included eating at La Mexicana Fiesta restaurant (I'm pretty sure it was authentic) and swimming in the highly-chlorinated hotel pool and sshhh-ing the kids to sleep that night in the hotel room. They were so excited about the free hotel breakfast the next morning they could hardly sleep! 

Moab: Day 2

Day 2 started with a hike to Corona and Bowtie arches. This was probably one of our family's favorite hikes EVER. The best part is that these arches are not in Arches National Park, but are located just a few miles outside of Moab. The trail was really fun---varied terrain including slick rock, ropes and ladders, and breathtaking views. Here are the pics:

One of the first things we had to do on the trail was to cross these railroad tracks. You kind of have to find your own way on the trail. These tracks are literally in the middle of nowhere. They are used to haul potash to some other location. I do not know what potash is.

There were so many little crevices and nooks and crannies to climb in and on. It was hard not to photograph everything. The weather was perfect.

Finally---Corona Arch!

And right next door to it---Bowtie Arch.

Corona (again)

In the afternoon, we headed south of town to a tourist-trap of sorts called.....
Hole-N-The-Rock is a 5000 sq ft home that 50 years ago a man carved out of the rock. It was a pretty cool tour. They also had a petting zoo where the kids could feed the animals.
Day 2 quickly came to an end but not before ice cream cones, pizza, and more swimming.

Moab: Day 3

Arches National Park

Friday found us in Arches National Park. We decided to skip the hike to Delicate Arch in favor of doing more of the smaller hikes, which included.....

Double Arch

and Windows Arch

and then our favorite which had to be
Sand Dune Arch

And we even managed to find some Lehi friends in the sand!

The Moab Montage of Favorite Photos

Friday, April 2, 2010

If you give a Dad a shovel

If you give a dad a shovel, he might get up early one Saturday and dig a big hole in the front yard. When he digs the hole, he will realize there's a major sprinkler pipe in his way. He will cut and re-route the sprinkler pipe and keep making the hole bigger.

When the hole is big enough, he will encourage the children to climb inside of it so they will get all muddy, much to the delight of the children and much to the un-delight of the laundress.

After working most of the day, the hole will look like this. The Dad has had so much fun playing with tools all day, mixing concrete, measuring, leveling, cutting, gluing and pretty much feeling like a manly-man. That was on Saturday.

And then we waited. And waited. And the weather did not cooperate. So we colored eggs......

And climbed trees.....

And then FINALLY, one day, the hole has a purpose!

And now we're shooting 3's and dunking slams. ( I might have embellished that last part a little).
And that is what happens when you give a Dad a shovel.
Bring your A game and come on over!