Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Going Back to Cali

(Raise your hand if you remember that song from way back when we listened to ugly music like that)

After a beautiful Spring Break in Moab, filled with awe-inspiring natural wonders and breathtaking scenery, Rich, Samuel and I headed to Southern California for a week of work (Rich) and play (Sam and Kelly). 

The scenery was mind boggling. Let me share just a few more great shots that I got. These pics really capture the essence of our trip:

Even after living there for 20 years, I had forgotten the bliss of California traffic.

When we weren't sitting in traffic, we visited a few parks......

 hung out with friends and family,

 chased Sam around the Santa Ana Zoo,

and best of all, dipped our toes in the Pacific. (and ate some sand)

Oh. I almost forgot. We also found the answers to all our problems:

The warm weather, the beaches, the psychic's almost enough to make me want to move back.
(Not really)


Heather said...

Looks like you had a great time! And you look super skinny. Go, Kelly!

Maddy and Amber said...

Fabulous pictures but I can't wait to see the other 300 you took! And you do look fantastic sis!

klunker said...

Come on, you know you miss that hearty thick air, the redolence of smog and sea and in fire season a hint of smoke... :)