Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dear B, C, and G....

Dearest Children,

Thank you for a wonderful summer. I will miss your sleepy faces at the breakfast table at 9:30 every morning. I will miss having you home for lunch, having the house filled with your friends, and staying up late every night. I will miss our popsicle snack each afternoon and the popsicle drips on the kitchen floor. I will mostly just miss you---having you here and hanging out with you each day. I will miss your whining about jobs, your tattling and fighting. I will miss nagging you to get your jobs done! I will miss telling you 78 times each day to CLOSE THE DOOR WE ARE NOT AIR CONDITIONING THE ENTIRE GALAXY and other sundry phrases that you, in turn, will use with you children. I will miss dousing you in sunscreen, driving to swim lessons, packing you for scout camp, and spending 160 hours with you on vacation. I will miss begging you to be in photos and nagging you to take a shower at least once a week. Even though you make me Crazy with a capitol C in so many ways and I feel like the most inadequate person in the entire air-conditioned galaxy to be your parent, you mean the world to me and if I could have picked any 4 children out there I would have chosen you, my 4 popsicle-dripping, sibling-fighting, problem-causing mess-making children that somehow I was lucky enough to get in the first place.

Have a great school year. I know you will.


1 comment:

The Huckeba Family said...

I think they were pretty lucky kids to get YOU for a mom!
Love you!