Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One Year Older and Wiser Two

What a difference two years makes!


A few pics of Sam over the last week....

A few wonderful things you should know about Sam:
  • he has an enormous vocabulary and keeps us laughing with his running monologue throughout each day
  • he is obsessed with trash trucks and Buzz Lightyear
  • he LOVES to sing or be sung to, especially "Little Bunnies Sleeping"
  • he is a picky eater but loves strange things like cinnamon Altoids and cauliflower
  • he is extremely attached to his blankie
  • he has a calm, sweet, easy-going personality (is he adopted, you're thinking? Can he really be a King?)
  • he is a total joy to have in our family, and each day all of us are thankful for this wonderful, funny, handsome, amazing person that we call Sam-I-Am!


Friday, January 14, 2011

I'ts almost here!

Only 57 more hours till my birthday (giggle giggle)!
I am so excited! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The True Meaning of Basketball

I've decided that watching Kindergarteners play basketball could fill an entire episode of America's Funniest Home Videos by itself. Dribbling? That just gets in the way. Passing the ball? Completely unnecessary. Listening to your coach? Who?

But watch out for number 20. He's got skills.........

Moving up the ladder we have 6th grade basketball, where they do in fact dribble, pass, listen to their coach, and occasionally.....SCORE (14 pts in his first game, but who besides his mom is counting?)

And the title of this post? Garrett leaned over to me at Ben's last game and in all earnestness asked me,
"Mom, what is the true meaning of basketball?" 

I'll have to get back to him soon.