Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We headed up to Brighton for a beautiful day of skiing and falling and skiing again. 

It was a first for all of us except Rich, pro that he is (show off). 

Getting geared up took half the day, but soon we were all encased in oh-so-comfortable ski boots and 17 layers of clothing. (I promised the children wealth untold if no one had to use the bathroom. Evidently that wasn"t enough.)

Skiing is hard! I'm so not good at it! The first few moments with our skiis on brought tears and frustration, but it didn't take long for us to get the hang of it. (Frankly, I could have been happy just riding the chair lift all day, but they kind of frown on that sort of thing at the resort.)

With each trip down the hill we improved, and soon ski patrol was available to help the other skiiers, not just us skings (that's my new name for "skiing kings").

Cass was a natural. 

Ben was amazing.

Garrett was fearless.

I was slow.

We really had such a great time. It was hard and scary and new but we did it, despite some challenges. The kids want to know when our next ski trip is. Rich wants to know how we're going to pay for it. I want to know if I will ever get better? 



Heather said...

Yeah for a new adventure! I am glad you all had an enjoyable day.

Angee said...

Seriously - awesome parents for doing this. Good work.

As for skiing, I've tried twice and have come to accept that I was not made to have skis on my feet. But when you want to go snowshoeing, give me a call. I have an extra pair...