Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Sans cast, Garrett looked awesome at Saturday's soccer game against Real Salt Lake. (Seriously, the opposing team was beyond amazing, and I would still like to see birth certificates for some of those players who were taller than I am.)

He played goalie for only the second time ever, and he easily booted the ball down the field, threw himself on top of incoming goals, and somehow managed not to incur any bodily harm.

It's fun to face east for an 8am soccer game!

G also played some great D, and as usual, was fodder for some puzzling pictures:

Great job Garrett! (Now if you could just work on not having 6 out of your 7 games at 8 in the morning, I'd be happy)


Angee said...

8am? You are a very good mom...

Alisha said...

Looks like the King family had a wonderful summer! Hope the school year is going well for you and your kids. Tell Garrett hello and it looks like he is one awesome soccer player!
--Mrs. Oxley:)