Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Once and Future King........#4

Ben, Cassidy and Garrett (okay maybe not Garrett because he really has no clue what's going on) are pleased to announce the upcoming arrival of a new brother or sister due in January 2009. Cassidy has big plans for this baby (Can SHE sleep in my room, can I feed HER, can I sit by HER in the car--notice a pattern?) and Ben just has lots of 9 year old questions (Does Heavenly Father just put the baby inside you? How can you tell you're pregnant?--tough questions to answer appropriately for a 9 year old !). Garrett just keeps telling people we're having two babies, although I assure you we are not. (We're not sure why he says this---who knows why 3 year olds say anything.) Anyway, we are all excited to meet our newest little King---even though it is still far away. The best news of all? I am due right around my brithday--January 17---and this just might be the best birthday present ever.


Angee said...

SWEET! Happy, happy day for a little person to come to the great King family. Please let me know if you need anything - especially a nap or something that includes your kids coming to my house...

Heather said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you and Rich! This is the best news ever. I hope you have been feeling well and have a very healthy pregnancy.

Maddy and Amber said...

So it's finally official! Yea for the King Family! We are so excited to have a new little neighbor on the way. Congrats again!

Jonette said...

Hi! This is Jonette & fam!
Congrats! We are so excited for you guys! We can't wait to see pics when the baby finally comes! Hope everything is going well & continues to thorughout your pregnancy!
Tell your family hello from the Spencers in Montana! And Kaysen would like you to tell Ben hello!

Debra said...

Kelli! That is so exciting!! ditto on angee's girls are dying to play with your kids.