Thursday, February 11, 2010

Camera Dump

It's been two weeks since I last posted. January and February are kind of claustrophobic and I for one, am entirely done with winter.To spice up the winter blahs, here's what I took off my camera recently:

Sam has found lots of new toys in our house during the winter doldrums, markers and crayons being his favorites. They are quite versatile, as you can eat them OR use them to autograph furniture and carpet.
I was trying to come up with something clever to say for these two pictures, but I got nothing. I can't even get the text centered right.

It's nice to have a concrete excuse as to why my house is never clean. I can loan him out if any of you need an excuse.

And don't forget to check out my photography site. There's been a new bundle of joy in the family....


Heather said...

But Samuel is so dang cute when he makes messes!

Angee said...

Put me down for an excuse - cause I got nothing to blame this dirty, filthy house on...