Monday, May 31, 2010

The Last Week of May, School, and What Remained of my Limited Sanity

I wasn't sure exactly how to punctuate the title to this post. I was trying to convey that this post covers:

  • The last week of May
  • The last week of school
  • The last week of the sanity I derive from 3 of the 4 children being involved in school for at least part of the day
Now that we've cleared that up...........

In the last week of May....
it snowed like a blizzard. All over my newly planted flower beds and garden. The plants are still recovering.

In the last week of school there was much
dancing and singing. We almost had to change the name of the event from the "Dance Festival" to the "Snow Festival" but fortunately around here 24 hours makes a big (weather) difference.
Surprisingly, our 11 year has some amazing dance moves.

In the last week of school, I thought about how grateful I am for

good teachers and

good friends for our kids. Certain 11 year olds FORBID the taking of pictures with their teachers or school friends.

In the last week of school, certain children
play in the championship 5th grade kickball game and win.

In the final week of my limited sanity, I
laughed at how silly these two are,

laughed at how this one sat in the bathtub and played for a long time even after the water had drained,

rejoiced in the fact that we have wonderful neighbors whom we love to pieces,

took a picture of our cat sitting in tires in our backyard,

and smiled when these two came riding home on the last day of school, knowing that for the next 11 weeks they are mine, all mine.

Hooray for the start of summer!

1 comment:

Angee said...

Summer comes with mixed emotions for me. Love it but feel so much pressure to do things with the kids. And oh how they love to fight when they are together for more than 2 minutes at a time...