Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another year older and wiser too............

Saturday we celebrated R's birthday in American Fork Canyon, at a favorite little picnic spot called Mile Rock.

 In addition to grandparents, our friends the Knoxes joined us for dinner and s'mores. This is Eva, their fearless clan leader. She and I have known each other since birth, grew up a mile apart in California for 18 years, and now live within a few miles of each other in Utah. 

These are the children from the orphanage I've been telling you about. They are all fairly well behaved and in desperate need of a loving home. If you have a place in your heart.....JUST KIDDING! I guess you could call this photographic evidence of what Eva and I have been doing (separately, of course)  in our 18 years since we graduated high school. Not too shabby.....
(and yes, our husbands deserve some credit, too)

According to the looks on their faces, roasting hot dogs in the canyon is comparable to scrubbing toilets! Come on people! Where is your hot dog joy?

Now that's more like it!

After hot dogs but before s'mores there was
hide and seek,

rock climbing,

and a game I like to call, "fun-with-a-cup".

And then it was time for every parent's favorite activity: marshmallow torches (aka s'mores)

And even with all the picture taking-marshmallow melting-hot dog burning-rock climbing-corralling children we did manage to sing happy birthday to the greatest guy I know.

Happy Birthday, Rich.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday to R!

We will have lived here for four years this summer. A couple of weeks ago was the first time we went picnicking up the canyon. We went with friends of ours coincidentally to Mile Rock. Great spot. We've been inspired to go more often. Gotta embrace what our state has to offer.