Monday, April 18, 2011


Some people go to Hawaii or California for spring break, while others go to Moab or Zion. But not us,noooo---we head to LELAND,UTAH......

To give you more information than you probably wanted, my children's great-great-grandparents owned a large farm in Leland (think Spanish Fork). The land was handed down and divided among their 5 living children, one of whom was my mother-in-law's mother. Blanche and her husband worked hard  and turned the land into a little recreation spot for their family, complete with a scenic pond, park area, small cabin, and orchard. It was quite a picturesque spot in its heyday, but as years have passed and generations have passed away, its not quite as beautiful as it once was.

Still...B,C,G,S, and I had a wonderful, adventurous time exploring the area, taking pictures, and  climbing on old rusted farm equipment. We also had a lovely visit with Alan and Marilyn, my mother-in-law's aunt and uncle, who still live on the property.

The "cabin". Rich remembers spending a night here (by himself!) when he was a child.
The best part about the cabin? Climbing over and under weeds and vines, opening a rusty gate and nearly falling through the dilapidated porch. Move over, Indiana Jones...

The inside of the cabin. There are still sheets on the bed, and some decorations on the walls from Great-Grandma Blanche.

Another view of the cabin.Now for the pond...

Anyone for a swim? Oh, but can't you picture it in earlier years? They use to keep a little boat here.

Almost as good as Disneyland...a rickety old board to cross to get to the cabin.

Trying to get the rusted locked gate to open....

Our gracious hosts...these would be my children's great-aunt and great-uncle. I think. In any event, they served us deliciously warm apple pie alongside vanilla ice cream. Combine that treat along with rusty farm equipment, acres of open space and a spooky old cabin and Garrett was ready to move in.

The boys were fascinated with this car. It belonged to my mother-in-law's grandfather, so my children's great-great-grandpa. AND, it a had a real bullet hole in the window. 

Now for the montage of my children sitting on tractors....

I love going to new places, even if it's just at the south end of the valley. But I especially love going to places with history, even if it's an old pond and cabin. The kids are always making fun of me because on any road trip we take I always want to stop at each and every "historical marker" or historic cemetery along the way.  Sorry kids. I guess I will put up with your fighting-tattling-whining-antagonizing ways and you will put up with a few run-down cemeteries. You are sooo getting the better end of this deal.....


Jennifer said...

That makes me sad to see the farm like that. We had so much fun there when we were kids. Are you sure Rich stayed there by himself, it seems weird that he would have gone without us:-).

Heather said...

Seriously love the shot of the interior of that cabin!