Monday, June 6, 2011

Last Day of School

I've heard tell that sometimes, in some families, on the last day of school, you might really want to take a picture of all of your children heading off to their last day of school--IT MIGHT EVEN BE THEIR LAST DAY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EVER--and then sometimes, in other families of course, there might be a big argument about how someone eats their oatmeal loudly or how someone is always in someone else's face etc, and so it ends up that certain people are MAD and POUTY and refuse to be in the cute family picture that mom-photographer had dreamed about for 12 years. That would never happen in our family, but sadly, I've heard it does happen in other people's family. I'm happy to report that my children are practically perfect in every way, so we never have contention in our home. Cough cough.
(Thank you and extra Christmas presents to Cassidy for being in said picture when said brothers chose not to.)

1 comment:

Angee said...

Extra Cmas presents for being cooperative - brilliant. I am definitely borrowing that one. Although I think none of my kids have earned an extra so far this year...