Thursday, June 30, 2011


Parenting is kind of like cooking. You try tons and tons of new recipes, in search of that perfect dish---you know the one--that has only a few ingredients, is quick and simple to prepare, yet yields great results. (It's a myth by the way, in both parenting and cooking. Sigh.)

This summer, among other programs, we have implemented "Turn-it-off Tuesday", wherein we as a family have a day without video games (that's been rough for me), TV or movies, ipods or ipads, or computers. There's been some grumbling, quite a few "I might die of boredom soon" speeches, but there's also been a lot of cooperation, for which I am grateful. But mostly I'm grateful for children who are always willing (albeit sometimes grumbling) to let me try out new "recipes" on them, in hopes that I get this parenting gig right one day.

So what do we do in the summertime when we're not scrambling to find something to do that doesn't involve a screen? Take a look:

Yuba Lake

Thanksgiving Point

 Swim Lessons

Garrett and his new career in fencing

the splash park

Of course, there are also lots of days spent at home, and those are fun too!


Heather said...

What a great idea! I am always inspired by you and your fabulous parenting!!!!

The Gardner Family said...

You are amazing! Hey we need to get the girls together soon! Girls camp is done so we should be around more now. :)