Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas 2011

When I grow up, I want to be one of those bloggers who posts everyday (or at least every other day) with beautiful pictures of an immaculate house in the background and detailed tutorials of projects she's just completed and food she's just whipped up. But until I do grow up, you are just stuck with me---belated posts of albeit cute kids with a cluttered house in the background and ZERO projects completed and certainly no recipes whipped up. It's corndogs and cold cereal at this house, sister, on paper plates nonetheless. Honk if you can relate.

Now for the recap.....

Here we have 2 of my favorites at the Christmas school sing. I don't know why they call it a sing instead of a concert or something else---have you ever heard of sing being used as a noun? The look on Garrett's face really says how much he looks forward to participating in this event. 

Here's my G-Dawg at his class Christmas holiday party. I really enjoy being room-parent (have any of you every met any room dads that would require the usage of the term room-parent instead of room-mom? I'm just saying....) in his class. He has an amazing teacher and I love being in the classroom with him and 25 other first graders. Out of the mouths of first graders......come things that make me giggle!!

Another fun memory from this Christmas was the "Christmas tree camp-outs". The kids had sooo much fun taking over the living room on multiple nights, sleeping by the tree, or sleeping in each other's rooms.  Sam really got into it.
He still asks every night if he can sleep somewhere other than his bed.

We enjoyed lots of fun Christmas parties this year, with our neighbors and friends who ROCK!

We love love love our Christmas party each year with the Knoxes. There are always plenty of cheesy pictures by the tree, 

yummy food,

and first-rate entertainment. (Were any of YOU lucky enough to enjoy a piano-guitar-saxaphone concert this year?)

Finally we arrive at Christmas Day. It was fun to have everyone dressed in their Sunday best before we saw what Santa brought, and fun to wait until after church to open the rest, but not fun to have Grandma in the hospital and not with us. So glad she is home now and doing better.

And that's about it, the cat is out of the bag. We had a crazy, unorganized, wonderful, messy, joyful Christmas with 4 amazing, drive-you-crazy kids, 2 cats, 1 guinea pig, and a partridge in a pear tree.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love your posts, and your honesty! Who really has a perfect house and perfect kids? Only imaginary people...