Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's that time of year....

It's that time of year when....

--the cats sleep in the puzzle box??!?

--the cats are in Christmas heaven sleeping under the tree and batting the bulbs

It's that time of year when...

---the shopping is not done
---the house is a disaster
---the Christmas cards are not mailed
---and everyone STILL expects me to make dinner each night

It's that time of year when...

--the kids want to frost sugar cookies
--I want to EAT sugar cookies (or maybe just lick the frosting off)
---the neighbor gifts are STILL not done or delivered

It's that time of year when..

---I vow to never get this behind again
---I recommit to focusing on the things that matter most
---I recommit to staying within my budget (beginning in January of course)
---I MARVEL at how much work fun Christmastime is and am so grateful for my drive-me-crazy family who I wouldn't trade for the world!


Heather said...

I love your perspective and humor! Love love love this post.

Erin said...

Amen, sister! You said it! (Although, not to brag, but I have at least sent out my Christmas cards, but that's only because SOMEONE wonderfully talented and generous made it possible to actually have pictures to put on said Christmas cards ... thanks, again, friend!)