Sunday, November 8, 2009

Photo Shoot Out-Takes

We did a family photo shoot on Saturday, with the operative word being SHOOT, as in SHOOT me now, SHOOT the kids now, etc etc. It was good times, let me tell you. It all started with the 14 trips to and from the stores, trying to find coordinating outfits that the children (and husband) would actually consider wearing. Pretty much the boys all  think they should wear the t-shirts they wore last night to bed, except for Garrett who thinks he should be dressed like a  Power Ranger.I'm telling you, I'm surrounded by total fashionistas. Now for the out-takes.....

Some people actually jump for joy whenever I bring out the camera....

and some people do this and


Some people have a serious drooling problem (look real closely to see how I used my finely-tuned photography skills to capture, mid-air, a perfect droplet of slobber), and some people

thrive on tormenting younger siblings. (This was supposed to be the "Cassidy, give a Garrett a hug picture").

Some people would rather go to the dentist then participate in family pictures. One guess as to who.

Some people consistently avoid looking at the camera because your eyeballs might get vaporized by a giant laser beam. These same people are much too busy


running, and

climbing trees to take anything seriously.

(Treehugger.) I suppose now you'll want to vote Democratic.

But if you want to see some seriously cute photos that just might make the Christmas card, click here

1 comment:

Angee said...

Thanks for the smiles. Especially the smile that the picture of the 4 kids brought to my face. He he.

No wonder my kids never look at the camera - the laser beam. To think I needed your help to figure that one out. It should have been obvious...