Sunday, December 6, 2009

Baptisms are GR8

On Saturday December 5th our Cassidy was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was a beautiful day.

She was so excited to get her very own scriptures (and a few other small gifts as well).

Cassidy was cool and calm the entire day. She could hardly wait to get in the water with her Dad. After the ordinance, as I was in the dressing room with her, we talked about how she was perfect at that moment, perfect enough to live with the Savior. She loved the idea of being able to be with Jesus. As a parent, it's just one of those days when your heart is over-filled with joy and happiness, and gratitude to Jesus Christ and His church. The blessings of the Gospel are so beautiful.

Cassidy was baptized with her friends James and McKenna.

We managed to take one outside photo despite the frigid temperatures!
Thanks to all our friends and family for supporting Cassidy. I was going to post said picture of all our friends and family but alas! my father-in-law took that photo and I don't have it yet. Just picture them in your mind....


Angee said...

Great choice Cassidy! You are such a great example. You look like an angel...

Heather said...

Way to go Cassidy!

And, I love the pic of her reading her scriptures in front of the window. Way to go Kelly!