Saturday, March 19, 2011

The new man of our house

So we celebrated Ben's 12th birthday last week. (gulp)

He's registering for junior high this week. (double gulp)

He went camping with his scout troop on Friday and......had a fabulous time. (smile)

Last Sunday he received the Priesthood and his Dad ordained him a deacon, and tomorrow he will pass the sacrament for the first time. (

I'm happy....I'm sad....I guess that makes me sappy (definitely). Mostly I'm excited for him and the great young man he is becoming. Here now, some highlights of birthday week:

Imagine the fun that Garrett and Sam and I had wrapping this gift. We wanted to make sure that Ben would never guess what it was....

but that Ben is so sharp he guessed it anyway.

 It's tradition---we celebrate Ben and Grandma's birthdays at Olive Garden in Provo. (Grandma turned 70 this year, which I think is really cool)

Birthdays are so much more fun when your mom takes you and your friends to the movies, and you get to take your brand new ipod touch with you, which you are pretty sure is THE coolest thing you will own in your entire life. Period.

It's tough to be the newest person in the deacon's quorum, going on your first camp-out with new leaders, knowing none of your close friends will be there because they haven't turned 12 yet. It's tough to make sure you have all the right gear and didn't forget anything. It's tough wearing a new uniform (that's too big) instead of basketball shorts and tshirt. It's tough when your mom wants to take your picture every blessed minute of your life.....But you did it anyway. So proud, Ben.

P.S. Does he look like he's heading off to the Marines or something? It was just an overnighter!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Gulping here too. So glad you're going through it first, so you can help me through it all when I have a 12 year old boy! :)