Thursday, March 31, 2011

On this last day of March I'm thinking about....

....General Conference, and how excited I am to watch and listen this weekend. I've been busy making packets from here, and my goal this year is to have everything set out and ready by Friday night. I'm planning my menu and doing my shopping early, and we even made this adorable GC craft for FHE. If you need my recipe for Conference Rolls, email me....

...Spa day, at my house a few weeks ago, when we were lucky enough to have 4 extra (wonderful) children spend the weekend with us. With my own kids it evened up the scored at 4 boys, 4 girls---but as you can see even the boys participated in the spa in Cassidy's bedroom. I had a massage, my make-up and hair done, and a mani. Even Sam got his make-up done---"Asian Style", the girls informed me:

---other random thoughts, this last day of March:

I'm anxiously anticipating Spring and warmer temps
I'm excited to garden
I'm amazed at how fast the school year has gone
I'm overwhelmed in so many areas of life
I'm wishing we were going somewhere exciting for Spring Break
I'm looking for my next great read
I'm hoping to accomplish so much more than I do
I'm wanting to redecorate (decorate) my entire house
I'm smiling at the prospect of soccer season
I'm needing to go shopping for a day, a week, maybe a month (purely for therapeutic reasons, and to stimulate the economy)
I'm happy, worried, content, stressed---but right now needed (and loved) by a two year old who needs his oatmeal.

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