Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween, Cowboy

We had a rootin' tootin' good time with all of our Halloween festivities:

there were spiders....

and Frankensteins (36 to be exact---we did this craft at Cassidy's class party),

there were num-nums that even included a pumpkin casserole (rest assured Ben, it had no actual "pumpkin" in it) and breadstick "fingers" .

There was pumpkin carving galore....

(I'm sorry...who do you cheer for again?)

The ubiquitous baseball, in soccer, in pumpkin carving.
(this was the first year Garrett carved two pumpkins all by himself without managing to incur any mortal wounds. That sentence is a little misleading---it's his first year carving pumpkins by himself, he's never actually had any major wounds, he just hasn't done it by himself before. Whew.)

The annual "blessing" of the pumpkins.....seriously G, what are you doing?

There were a few cowboys.....

who came home with LOTS of candy from their trick-or-treating rodeo:

Here, G and C teach S the fine art of "sibling candy trading". (AFTER of course, they pay the parent tax).


Angee said...

That little Sam was definitely the rooting, tooting, cutest cowboy around on Halloween.

I thought the King pumpkins went above and beyond even their usual greatness this year.

I was hoping you had a picture of a bunch of Psych watchers but I'm pretty sure if it would have been at my house I would not have ventured down to the basement full of boys...

Heather said...

Love the cowboy themed costumes! And your pumpkins look amazing.