Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shop till you, something like that

I'm always amazed at how much fun we have  Thanksgiving weekend, with our simple and silly traditions. 

There's always a jigsaw puzzle (or two) and plenty of yummy snacks (cranberry salsa is my favorite).

The feast is always delish. This year my homemade apple pie was a hit, but pumpkin is still the most popular.

Then of course Friday I had MORE FUN THAN ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE IN ONE DAY shopping with my favorite friends!! Oh the deals and laughs we shared......he he!!

Then Saturday......

we pulled memories out of boxes and sifted through years of Christmas joy as we decorated the tree and set up the decorations. It's such a fun day.

How can it be that another Christmastime is upon us? 


Heather said...

Lots of fun, lots of laughs, and not a lot of sleep! Thanks for letting me come shopping this year.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the kids on the rock steps. Just adorable, Kelly!