Sunday, March 4, 2012

Amazing Weekend

What an amazing weekend! Rich and I shared a proud parent moment Saturday morning as we divided and conquered to watch Cassidy give an AMAZING piano performance in her piano festival while Ben played basketball in the championship game and WON! It was truly unbelievable---his team was 12-0 for the season and it was so much fun to watch Ben improve his skills and WIN so many games. Cassidy amazed us all as she performed her two memorized pieces with lightning speed in front of the judges. So so proud of their hard work and dedication!

Alas, we have this great piano performance picture but (since the camera was with me) no great basketball pictures. Just picture it in your mind....



This is Penelope. She is 5 days old. She lives with her sisters.....Spiderman, Cougar, Kevin, and Gossie. (We let each of the kids and myself name one chick. Can you guess who named each one?) We think they are the cutest things ever. Our cats want to eat them. They make the sweetest peeping sounds. They currently live in a rubbermaid box in my bedroom. Let's hope a coop gets built soon.....

(Hmm. I wonder if I'll feel the same way when they are full grown chickens?)

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