Monday, March 26, 2012

In our neck of the woods....

In our neck of the woods, there's plenty of......

dancing. Irish dancing, to be exact. Friday night we enjoyed Cassidy's big dance recital. It was AMAZING. Cassidy's brothers were especially excited to be in attendance. Woo hoo! But the dancing was outstanding:

One of the many things I love about Cassidy---she is INVOLVED! She loves to do so many things. Currently, she
--plays soccer
--takes piano lessons
--participates in Service Club at school
--is in the school play (it's this week!)
--is learning Irish Dance
--loves activity days
--and still manages to help around the house and keep up on all her school work.

Also in our neck of the woods, there are plenty of..

chickens. We lost one (sniff sniff) but got two more and all of these seem to be thriving. The chickens are very social and love to hang out with us. Rich is thrilled to have poultry in his living room (those of you that know him can attest to his animal-loving spirit). They are so interesting to watch and so far have been great pets.

What else is going on in our neck of the woods you ask?

--a new job
--yard work that needs to be done
--dinner that has to be made every night
--homework, homework, homework
--merit badges
--too many trips to Walmart
--guilty pleasures mainly in the form of stalking Pinterest
--a yearning for summer
--sports practice
--piano practice
--guitar practice
--lots of dishwashing (no dishwasher yet)
--a to-do list a million items long
--a 3 year old who has to do everything by himself
--and gratitude for it all.


Heather said...

A new job! So Rich did it :)

Hope it is going well.

Erin said...

Love this post. But, seriously, no dishwasher yet?? :) LOL!