Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sundaes on Sunday?

Does anyone out there struggle with the do's and don'ts of Sunday activities? I mean, I know all of the Sunday school answers and I think I understand the purpose of the Sabbath day. And in my mind I do want to spend my time pondering the scriptures, having family scripture study, writing in my journal, writing letters to far-away family and friends, doing geneaology, etc. But I guess I just never make it happen. Sometimes we do get a few of those things done, but most of our time is spent preparing for and recovering from church, family nap time (which is sacred), and preparing for and recovering from Sunday dinner with extended family. I always kind of feel like someday I will get it all together and do everything right, but that day is certainly not now. I really, really hope in the end we get judged on our intentions and not what we actually accomplished.
And what restrictions do you place on what you let the kids do? I do try and focus them on what they can do and not what they can't do, but do you let them shoot hoops if they want, or watch TV?
Today I sat outside in the beautiful sunshine and read scriptures. Of course, it was only a few minutes before two of the three were climbing (and fighting) on my lap, but when all is said and done, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that no matter how lacking a parent I may be, at the end of the day I have three amazing people who still want to sit on my lap. Kind of makes it all worth it.


Angee said...

Sweet! A new Kelly post. I do love these.

I'm with you - what to do, what not to do, that is the question. Can we play baseball as long as it's just our family and we don't keep score? Tough stuff.

Your kids are lucky to have such a great mom at the end of the day, at the beginning of the day, and all day in between.

Called you today to go to the park, but couldn't get ahold of you. You probably couldn't find the phone under all the suitcases...

Jayne said...

YEAH! I love the title that was great, your so clever! It's good to know that we are all on the same thinking train.
I'm hoping that no one went to singing time today cause I decided instead to take all the hoodlums and attempt two stores! AAAHHH!!