Monday, June 30, 2008

Thankful for great kids

I just have to post a few words with these photos of how thankful I am for three wonderful kids! They amaze and inspire me everyday (as well as drive me insane). I am so proud of Cass--this past week she learned to swim! She is an amazing swimmer and a really fast learner at almost anything she tries. She is ultra-helpful with Garrett and just fun to be around.

The boys are wonderful too. Ben is a great big brother to G. I love coming down stairs in the morning and finding those two snuggled together, side-by-side on the couch, watching a show. I know they are not perfect, but I'm just so grateful they are ours. I'm so lucky to be the one to get to watch them change and grow. Here's to B, C, and G!


kacee said...

Those are the cutest pictures ever! Don't you love how well kids can get along in front of a tv?

Angee said...

Great pics and great kids. Heck, they even smile for the camera. What more could you ask for...

The Gardner Family said...

I love the picture of you and Cassidy. You are too cute! Your kids are adorable! Looks like tons of fun!