Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th

We enjoyed a simple but fun Independence Day at Rich's parents' house this year. Their neighbors were gone and invited us to use their pool in their absence so the kids had a blast swimming and screaming, the two things they do best at a pool. We had a yummy BBQ and watched Pleasant Grove fireworks from the mountain behind Grandma and Grandpa's house. Uncle Dennis and Rich's cousin and cousin's wife (what is the correct term there?) were also visiting from Colorado so it was nice to have a few more added to our numbers. Sparklers and Poppers were also big hits with the kids. Let Freedom Ring!

1 comment:

Maddy and Amber said...

I just love looking at your family pictures. They are so fun! I'd rather look at yours then try to mess with my own blog! One of these days, I will figure it out. Your kids are so photogenic! Can't wait to see pics of the skating fun!