Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wanted: Your Camping Ideas

Hey friends! We are going camping this week and I am interested to hear everyone's favorite camping RECIPES or ACTIVITIES/TRADITIONS. We usually cook over an open fire or on our camp stove and grill, so no dutch oven recipes, please. I love to hear about different foods people eat while camping, especially because we are kind of in a rut for camping food. So please share your ideas with me! Also, anyone have any great camping games or activities that your family enjoys? Thanks in advance, Kelly.


Maddy and Amber said...

The only thing I could come up with for campout food are foil dinners and you probably already know about them. They are just easy and that's why I like them. We are not big campers so my camping knowledge is very limited. Sorry! Hope you have fun!

sweet pickles said...

One thing we sometimes do is called "Frito Banditos". It includes fritos (the big scoop kind), chili, salsa, cheese, lettuce, etc. Like a taco salad but sort of portable and very easy.

We also make s'mores with fudge striped cookies rather than hershey bars and graham crackers. Just get 2 cookies and put the marshmallow between them. The chocolate gets very melty and yummy.

I've also heard that if you roast Starbursts like a marshmallow, they are tasty.

Angee said...

I call going camping with the Pickles. Roasted Starburst - yum. As for the Drapers, not much here. When we went to Goblin Valley some campers next to us had glo sticks and they looked way fun. That's it. Sorry...

kacee said...

I'm not much of a camper, sorry! I will second Steph's s'mores idea - we are hooked. Have fun!

Unknown said...

Taking regular breaks is pretty important for every individual. Working 24/7 can be a strenuous experience, which is why every one takes some time to clear their head and venture off into the wilderness with their friends and family. My favorite spots are the national parks to spend the break. Of course, what fun would camping be without delicious food cooked over an open flame or without playing games in the open air? Since I do this regularly I started collecting good sites and articles related to camping and fun activities or games for camping (more than 200 sites for camping and 200 sites for making your camping fun). You have all the information related to camping, camping gear, how to prepare for camping, how to choose camping sites, food, games etc.,. If you are interested take a look at the below link.