Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not my first rodeo..........

It's my fourth, actually, and it still hasn't gotten old...........being the only one awake at night with Sam, musing about who he will become, what strengths he will have, what challenges he will face..........and here are some other random thoughts of a new mom in the middle of the night....

  • How is it possible to feel two conflicting thoughts at once:I can't bear the idea of never having another baby, and yet I can't handle any more children than we have, and I know we can't go on having kids forever...... One day at a time, Kelly
  • Do our children remember, even subconsciously, how we held and loved and kissed them as newborns?
  • I mopped the floor today, and now I feel as if the honeymoon's over. I really, really love the relaxed pace a new baby creates---I expect so much less of myself, and I'm able to separate the things that matter from the things that don't. How do I maintain this feeling through the day-to-day grind? The reality is, floors have to get mopped!
  • I've thought lately how important mothering is. Not just the mothering that we do as mothers, but stop and think about how many people mother (nurture) you? Recently, I've been so grateful for friends that call and stop by, people that have brought meals, the nurses in the hospital, the neighbor who writes a thoughtful note telling me to hang in there, a husband who takes care of all the details, etc etc. I'm so thankful to all the people that essentially mother me. I hope I can do the same for others.
  • Did you ever stop to think that everyone in this world started out as a newborn baby? I mean think about it---the rude driver in the lane next to you, the bully at school, the neighbor that grates on your nerves,criminals, your in-laws, etc etc. The next time you're tempted to judge someone harshly or be easily annoyed with someone, try picturing them as a tiny baby. They are someone's child, just as your children are yours, and someone held and cuddled and loved them. It makes you think.....
  • And finally, I really want to go to the Rascal Flatts concert on Feb 26, but I'm not sure if A) I can justify the $200 price tag or B) I could be apart from Sam-I-Am for an evening. But how can a girl with a new pink ipod loaded exclusively with RF miss such an event? The jury's still out.............
New pics of Sam coming soon, I promise. Oh, and have you met our other children? We still love them and sometimes take pictures of them, too.


Jayne said...

Kelly, I love how you put things, it's just what we're all thinking, we just can't put them into words like you can, your so awesome! Keep up the good work, your a great mom :)

Jodi Jo said...

Wow. You think of that in the middle of the night?! I am lucky if my eyes stay open long enough for the baby to finish eating...

Angee said...

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are many of my own thoughts. And how do the babies become toddlers so fast. That peace and slow pace pass way too fast.

By the way, I'm totally free on Feb 26 and would love a chance to hold baby Sam for more than 30 minutes. :) Think about it...