Friday, August 7, 2009

Fishing with Oreos

We went fishing at Vivan Park last week. This means that the children each held onto a fishing pole for about 2 minutes before pulling it out and deciding that fishing was not for them.
"Fish are friends not food", that's our mantra.

They especially detest baiting their hook. Well, everyone except Garrett, who wants to know what will happen to him if he eats the Salmon eggs.

But they did pose for some pictures.....

and again, I worked hard on my outfit and hair, like always.

Now for the Oreos......we didn't exactly use them for bait......

But they certainly were tasty.

You should try it sometime, fishing with Oreos.
Remember, light on the fish, heavy on the Oreos.


Jayne said...

I love OREO faces! Our family mantra is, go fishing with Dad, where he baits all the hooks and then releases all the fish too. So all mom has to do is sit and watch :) (Sorry such a long mantra!)

Also, thanks for teaching me a new word. I actually looked up the word to make sure I was using it right!

Angee said...

Oh Kelly - if you only knew how much your posts brighten my day.

Fantastic post. I will definitely try it - easy on the fish of course.

Your Ben is quite a handsome boy. And Sambo's oreo face is awesome. What a great mom...

Tiff said...

I love the pictures!! You need to take my family sometime!! Ben looks so grown-up!!