Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Scent-illating Conversation

Over Corn Pops and orange juice, the conversation flowed something like this:

Me: Did you go to specialty yet?
Ben: Yeah, we went to music and art.
Me: What is your art teacher's name....Mrs. Goss?
Ben: Oh, you mean MISS GAS.
Me: Your art teacher's name is Miss Gas?
Cassidy and Ben: Yep.
Cassidy: I don't think it's her real name, Mom.
Ben: She smells, Mom. She's from Italy.
Me: Her name is Miss Gas and she's from Italy?
Cassidy: And she has springs in her shoes.
Me: Springs?
Cassidy and Ben: Yep
Cassidy:And she sings her instructions to us.
Ben: She almost got sacked (his exact words) last year because she had naked pictures in her supply closet.
Me: Naked?
Ben: Like art or something.
Me: Let me get this straight: Your art teacher is a foul-smelling Italian singer with springy-shoes who keeps naked art pictures in her closet?
Cassidy and Ben: Yep
Me: Oh. More Corn Pops?


The Gardner Family said...

Say what?! That was the craziest conversation I've ever read! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story!

Tiff said...

Nate and I laughed forever!! This was the best laugh I've had all day! Can't wait until tomorrow!!

Lindsay said...

That was just laugh out loud awesome.

Heather said...

I love your summary of the conversation. Way to model appropriate validating and repeating conversational tactics to your children. They will go far if they learn from your example!

Jayne said...

Okay, so maybe I'm fine at our school now?!?!

Unknown said...

that's sweet! =D

kacee said...

That is hilarious! I can't wait to ask Adilynn about her...

Those darn Europeans and their art!