Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grotto Falls

Me: What's the best part about Grotto Falls?

Cassidy: I don't know. The waterfall. Pretty obvious, Mom.

Me: What didn't you like about Grotto Falls?

Cassidy: The water was FRIGID. You know, cold.

Me: Thanks for clearing that up.

On a Tuesday in June we hiked up to Grotto Falls in Payson Canyon with the Knoxes.
This was the picture we got when we said "Hey kids, all of you climb up on the cool log over there and pose for a picture."  You win some, you lose some, and some just end up looking like this.

Parents will like the Grotto Falls trail because it is short and shaded and their 11-year old will offer to carry Chubs in the backpack. Kids will like the trail because there are many places where (seemingly) their life hangs in the balance as they cross stream after stream walking on narrow logs suspended  dangerously high (10 inches) over the roaring (trickling) water. One wrong step (or one giggling push from behind) and BLAM! you might get your shoes wet.

At the end of the short trail you end up here, in a rock-enclosed "grotto" where the water pools at the bottom of a beautiful waterfall. The water is shallow and calm and there are small rock caves to explore and more rocks to climb on. The whole area is damp and muddy and a perfect place for children to get completely filthy.

Sam did not like the water, or the mud, or the rocks, or the fact that it was too rocky and steep for him to walk around anywhere. He did seem kind of fascinated with the waterfall, though, and managed to play in his fair share of mud. 

Adjacent to the grotto is a steep rocky trail that leads to the top of the falls. The children managed to not slip over the edge of the falls while I took this shot, even while in my mind I worried about us making the 5 o'clock news. (Crazy-Photographer-Mother Sends Children to their Death in Waterfall Mishap)

And here are some more favorites from this Crazy-Photographer-Mother:

P.S. I wish my blog were more than just a silly travel log. I will never have "457 followers", tutorials, giveaways, or have an "I've been featured here" button, although I wish I could be that cool.  Nobody will ever want to advertise here. I saw a blog the other day where people had left over 3000 comments on one post. I'm happy if I get 2 or 3 (although I would love to know who else is lurking out there, you lurkers!)  But still, it makes me smile to post these silly, less-than-perfect photos of my way-less-than-perfect family on our less-than-perfect adventures.


Angee said...

If you want I could leave 3000 comments. I'd do that for you ya know. Isn't that what friendship is about - making sure you comment on blogs? :)

I can't believe your 11 year old carried Sam. Good work Ben. All those hours of playing Rock Band are really making you strong. :)

Wilcox Family said...

I looks like a fabulous place to go. I may have to give it a try with my kiddos within the next few months. BTW, I am glad that you did not make the news :)

Heather said...

I love seeing pictures of your seemingly-perfect-children as you partake in adventures in your seemingly-perfect-life. And I love your commentary. And I love you.

Jodi Jo said...

Kelly, I read your blog all the time. Your sense of humor makes me laugh. And if you don't remember me, I am Holly A.'s next door neighbor that used to come to your scrapbook night. :) Just thought you might want to know that I am 'lurking' out there.