Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I head some good advice once regarding children:

when they're crabby, put them in water.

Three guesses as to how we're spending our summer:

Okay, I know Josh isn't really my child, but if his parents weren't so attached to him I'd take him in a minute. I guess I'll have to settle for seeing him everyday.

We've also spent two weeks with Miss Tara at swimming lessons. I've heard tell of certain swimmers jumping off diving boards and swimming under water without holding their noses. Impressive.

I'm not sure how this turned into the Garrett-in-Water Montage, but it did. Never you fear, the other three are just as crabby, and enjoy water just as much. I'll have to try harder to spread the camera love a little more.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Water really is the best toy.