Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Missing Garrett and other unimportant things

I wish I had some fabulously creative post today.
Or some new great picture of my childrens (mispelling intended).

But I don't.

But I DO still have this need to reach out, to write something and have someone comment. (Can you say needy?)

So here is a short list (oh please) loosely entitled "THINGS CURRENTLY RUNNING THROUGH MY BRAIN" by Kelly Lyn Huckeba King (Did my maiden name throw you?)

(Scary, I know)

1. I am reading a fabulous, life changing book. It is called The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox. I recommend that everyone go out and buy their own copy (or you could borrow mine). If you do read it, please call me because I would love to talk about it with someone!

2. I loved Stake Conference this past weekend! Here is my favorite quote from Elder W. Douglas Shumway, of the Seventy: "The very best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today."

3. My friend Garrett spent yesterday and last night at his Grandma's house. Two things I noticed in his absence: 1) It is so quiet in my house (a good thing) and 2) It is so quiet in my house (a sad thing!). Hurry back, G. I miss you!

4. I scored big time at D.I. yesterday. Sam and I went "treasure hunting" (as I call it) and found a pristine Star Wars Monopoly set for $2, among other treasures. I do so love Deseret Industries.

5. My yard is completely ugly and overgrown with dandelions and weeds. Evidently it is not going to weed itself.

6. When I was in the car yesterday I saw a teenage girl walking down the street. She was obviously pregnant and obviously smoking. I had the urge to stop my car and talk to her about......life, the gospel, her baby. I wanted to show her Sam, have her tell me her story, see if I could help her. Of course in actuality I did none of these things, but I thought about her the rest of the day. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to stop the car.

7. For homework this week I have to do a report on Kane County and also a scrapbook page for the teacher's scrapbook (I meant my kids have to do a report and scrapbook page, sorry).

8. I was very proud of myself for being organized recently. Since we are juggling different days and times each week for Ben's baseball practice and games, and Cassidy's soccer practice and games, I went through the calendar for May and June and wrote (in orange ink) each day and time of all the games and practices. Last night we got a call from Ben's coach. The entire schedule has been revised. (This is why I maintain it is better to just embrace your disorganization and get on with your life.)

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
(Anyone want Taco Bell for lunch? It's authentic, you know.)


Wilcox Family said...

I love it when you open up to things running through your mind. I often wish I knew what people were randomly thinking about. I agree with you on embracing disorganization. It works better than being disappointed because you planned. Have a great day!!

Heather said...

This was a fabulously creative post! I love the insight in to all things Kelly.

Is Garrett with your mom or Rich's mom? I need a picture in my head of what Grandma he is visiting...

Angee said...

I love it! You try not to be creative, and there you go - creative genius that makes me laugh. You are so great!

Love the re-do the calendar. Classic. And good luck with Kane county. Too bad it's not Sevier - I could help you with your homework there.

I would love to borrow your book until I can get a copy of my own.

Lastly, is that really your maiden name or am I that gullible...