Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I've always kind of fancied myself a photographer, imagining that one day I'd be "discovered" and have my work showcased in some fancy gallery somewhere. I'm sure you'll agree that the following pics are evidence enough of my up-and-coming stardom:

This lovely out-of-focus gem was me trying to capture Garrett's kite-flying skills with my ultra-zoom lens. Notice how I managed to get Garrett and the kite in the picture--NOT!

Have I mentioned how good I am at capturing red-eye? It seems to be my specialty, especially when we wrap our children in their traditional Middle-Eastern costumes.

I am a great portrait taker. I seem to be able to really get to the heart and soul of all my subjects, revealing their true inner spirit.

This precious moment was snapped while I held a 3-month old on one knee and a 4-year old on the other knee. There is no obstacle too big, no stranger's backside too large that I can't still get quality shots. Fortunately, I got the stranger's email so I can forward him his own copy.

And finally, I must give some credit to my faithful assistant, Rich, who took this priceless pic on HAPPY Mother's Day, emphasis on HAPPY. Don't be surprised if you see our family featured in next month's Ensign. After all, we've got it all together, as those of you who sat near us in Sacrament meeting can attest.

So remember, when I make it big as a professional photographer, YOU KNEW ME WHEN!
(No autographs, please)


Angee said...

My life would definitely be filled with less laughter if not for you and for your blog.

Looks like you've been taking photography lessons from me...

Heather said...

I can't wait to read the article about you in the Ensign. I will make sure to order extra copies so I can give them to all of my family members and my 2 friends.

Awesome explanations of your pictures! You have mad skills.

Jayne said...

Love the post! ESPECIALLY the traditional middle eastern costume!!!! And love your sense of humor:)

Debra said...

Oh Kelly! I'm so glad I know you and that I wasn't drinking milk while I was reading your blog. Seriously, have you ever tried cleaning milk off of a computer screen, not fun my friend... thanks for the laughs.