Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh what do you do in the (almost) summertime?

What the King Family does in the (almost) summertime:

1. We take as many naps as possible

2. We dress up like lady bugs and perform in musicals with the Lehi Children's Choir

3. We spend hours making a pinewood derby car that is slower than molasses (but looks great).

4. We celebrate a certain someone's 4-month birthday.
He couldn't eat his cake so I ate it for him.

(the list continues, but without photos)

5. We attend a certain 7-year-old's soccer games

6. We attend a certain 10-year-old's baseball games

7. We tear down, move, and set up a swing set

8. We plant our garden (beans, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, summer squash, cucumbers, cantaloupe, watermelon and (for the first time ever) corn.

9. We compete ferociously against our family members to maintain the high score on various games on Wii Fit. I'm pretty sure the Olympic scouts will be contacting me soon.

10. We enjoy the warm weather and revel in the fact that we have places to be, people to love, memories to make, and a new level unlocked on Wii fit.


Angee said...

And hang out with the Drapers.

See you soon friend...

Jayne said...

And the Elswood's too! :)