Friday, August 21, 2009

And they're off.......

Watch out, 5th and 2nd grade!

(picture a word bubble above his head, like in a comic strip):
"I hate when my mom takes pictures!! Maybe if I do this cheesy grin often enough she'll lose the camera." (Fat chance)

(word bubble):
Doesn't my outfit look great? Are you getting all of it, mom?

Boy, I'm sure going to miss these guys home everyday.But at least now I have two things to look forward to everyday:

1. the arrival of the mail
2. the arrival of the kids


Heather said...

Are you sending a subconscious message that the mail ranks higher than your kids?

Love your word bubbles...

Angee said...

Mason has that exact cheesy smile. Funny. And I believe that I will be calling Cassidy over for some fashion advice. She looks beautiful. Growing up so fast they are...