Friday, September 11, 2009

Compliments and Candy Pumpkins

Two things made me smile today.

I received two compliments today, two unrelated, unsolicited, genuine compliments.

One for something I do (laundry, of all things, bestowed so kindly by my husband), and one for something I am ( a personality trait that a friend finds endearing--imagine!).

I'm sure the compliment givers aren't still thinking about their casual words. But I am.

Sometimes, ALL THE TIME, it's nice to hear someone say that you are appreciated, loved, liked, admired, and in some small way simply WONDERFUL. What are you waiting for? Call someone and tell them what a good job they do on the laundry! ( or something else that they do good).

The other thing that made me smile.......

I picked up a bag at Smith's today. I just love these little guys. Seriously, they make my mouth so happy! Any other mellowcreme pumpkin addicts out there?


Jennifer said...

I love those too. Ok, here is the Hot Hot story: When Ty was really little, my mom would pick him up in the afternoons and tend him. She would always be making dinner and tell him the stove was "hot". He started calling her Hot Hot and he still does--Mckinlee does too.

The turkeys are on the Nephi side and are usually close to the highway back to Nephi.

Heather said...

I think you do everything well! I am always amazed by your compassion for others, and your curiousness and your desire to figure out how people tick.

Thanks for giving me a platform to give you a compliment!