Monday, September 7, 2009

Donut Falls

We had the very original idea of going on a hike on Labor Day up Big Cottonwood Canyon.....
us and about 4 million other people. But we still had fun.

It was especially fun that our BFF neighbors came with us. We love you Aragons!
But where is Sam, you ask?

Never fear, Sam is always near.
(P.S.--I just don't really love my haircut. Alas, it will grow.)

More pictures.....

And now for some Kelly-trying-to-be-a-real-photographer-pictures:

And finally, the Sam-has-had-enough picture. It is exhausting being carried up and down the mountain.

Way to go, campers! Another fun hike.


Angee said...

First off, I'm wondering why Sam didn't have his matching boy shirt on?

Second off, I'm glad you could go.

Third off, was it a success? How would you rate the hike?

Don't worry, there were a kazillion people everywhere...

Maddy and Amber said...

Thanks for the great day! You guys are awesome! Guess what? I actually posted on my blog! I don't believe it! Check it out sometime!