Monday, March 8, 2010


Lots of basketball this week for our family! Saturday night Cassidy sang the National Anthem with the Lehi Children's Choir at the Utah Flash game at UVU.  They sing a capella and do a fabulous job. (I just googled the word a capella and for your information, there seems to be no consensus on any correct spelling.)

AS usual we had great seats for the game but terrible seats for getting good pictures of Cass performing. Come on people! Do you really thing all us parents are there to watch basketball or to take pictures of our children? Seriously! Here's what I got:
The crucial moment: filing in to the arena.

If I was cool I would know how to draw an arrow so you could all see Cassidy in the second row, second child from the right. 

If you look closely enough you can almost HEAR them!

Filing out of the arena. It's pretty exciting, I know.

We ate some kettle corn and watched some hoops and wrestled a one-year old who is not really fun to have out in public and then we called it a night. Oh, and Garrett wanted me to include that for dinner that night we ate Lunchables in the car in the parking lot of the McKay Events Center. First class all the way, baby. Hey, the Lunchables did include chocolate pudding and a Capri Sun. Garrett asked if we were celebrating anything. I love him.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yeah for Cassidy! Sounds like a fun night.