Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ben's Piano Recital

We are amazingly proud of 9 year old Ben who is a magnificent pianist! He performed on Saturday at his spring recital and played the Indiana Jones March and The Entertainer, a duet with his Mom! He did a GREAT job--the culmination of months of daily practice. He also won a trophy from his piano teacher for earning the most points throughout the year--points received from practicing, passing off songs, and performing for others. Way to go Ben!


Heather said...

I've heard him play, and he really is fabulous! It's not just "mom-bragging" to have that on your blog.

Can't wait to see you tonight - and I will bring movies for you.

Angee said...

The boy of many talents. Way to go Ben. I can't believe he would smile for you like that. What did you bribe him with? There is no way I would get a smile and looking at the camera with any of my kids - especially Mason. Maybe it's the cool photographer behind the camera...

Jayne said...

Good job Ben! And way to be mom, you should get an award too for "encouraging" him to practice, right!
By the way, everything you mentioned about the babysitter stuff, it's like you are reading my mind! Love you Kelly