Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Some things I need to get off my chest...

(in no particular order)

1. Calories. In case you were wondering, I really enjoy eating left-over dessert for breakfast and I think it shouldn't make me fat. I also really want to eat chips and salsa every night after the kids go to bed and I think that those calories shouldn't count either. Oh, and every time I walk by the pantry I stop to refuel. That's okay, isn't it?

2. Housework. I really think I should be able to clean the house once a week in about 20 minutes and it should stay that way. I don't understand why every time I mop the kitchen floor someone spills bubble solution and eats an orange popsicle within 3 minutes of it being mopped.

3. Laundry. For some reason our family of 5 can fill a laundry hamper to overflowing in one afternoon. And seriously, how hard is it to turn your dirty socks right side out? Also, if I find skid marks in your underwear I am throwing it away. If you run out of underwear, let me know how it works out.

4. Alarm clocks. They are pure evil, plain and simple. They give me the shivers.

5. Children. Bless their little hearts....love you to pieces but sometimes I want you in pieces! I really don't think I am asking too much for you to...close doors that you open, put your shoes away, flush the toilet, use an inside voice inside, eat what I make for dinner, limit yourself to only 100 questions per day, do what I ask before my face turns purple and Darth Mom comes out, and help out your siblings. This is not rocket science, people! Meet me half way, okay?

6. Husbands. Couldn't think of anything. I've got a really great one.

Thanks for letting me rant. I do actually feel better. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to "focus on the positive." But seriously folks.....


Heather said...

My friend's stake president once told her, "Someday you are going to look back at this and think, aren't you glad I let you live?"

Sounds like a fun day!

Angee said...

I so needed to hear this. Thanks for the smile. I completely agree with the calories bit. Breakfast of some kind of chocolate is the only way to go.

My #1 favorite the toilet flushing. Are we really asking that much to push the little flushy thingie...

Jayne said...

Kelly, your awesome, you have the best way of saying things that we all are thinking! I was laughing out loud at your list!